My toast at Jason & Ellen’s Wedding

Justin Ho
3 min readNov 16, 2022

Hello everyone! My name is Justin, and I am Jason’s younger brother.

Growing up, Jason was my best friend and partner in crime, especially when it came to outsmarting our parents. One of my favorite memories was when I was about 10 years old — basically, our parents didn’t want us to stay up all night on the computer, so my dad’s solution was to unplug the power cable from the computer and hide it.

Well, surprise daddy! That didn’t actually stop us from using the computer! Turns out your copy machine uses the same cable! We would wait for them to go to sleep, and then we would quietly sneak around in the middle of the night so that we could play Diablo.

So, the next challenge we faced was actually connecting to the internet. And you know, back in the day that sounded like diiii daaaa *modem sounds*. Well, Jason was a great problem solver so he decided hey, let’s just take the blankets off the bed, and cover the computer to suppress the noise. So we’d put this thick layer of blankets on the computer, and then hug it so that no sound would come out of the computer. And we played games in the middle of the night, and this happened for over a year–and we were never caught.

And then one day, my dad got up real early–and came upstairs. And then Jason panicked. And then he thought,

“You know what, I got this. My dad’s like *really* gullible.”

And so my dad suspiciously asks, “Why are you awake so early?” And Jason’s like, “Oh uhhh…you know…I’m reeaalllly excited to go to school!” And then my dad looks at the computer and he’s like “Hey, wait, why are there blankets over there on the computer?” And then Jason’s like “Oh uhhh…uhhh…it’s to uhhh…keep the dust off the computer!” And then my dad, gullible as ever, is like “Oh? oh…oh…ok, 有道理, 有道理” — and then he’s like “Go brush your teeth!”

Jason and I have always been close because we always knew that we had each other’s backs. But when Ellen came into the picture, it actually brought us closer. And that’s when I knew that he was onto something. She’s smart, she’s graceful, she’s a great listener, she’s a great communicator, she’s compassionate, and she’s super in tune with her feelings. She makes me feel so calm and loving when I’m around her. And most importantly, Ellen brings the best out of Jason, and she elevates him to be the best version of himself.

And Jason’s best version connects deeply with me from a space of love. And we can easily be vulnerable with each other, we can talk about our feelings, and we can treat each other with the utmost care. I love you Jason. I’ve always looked up to you. You’ve always been my hero throughout my life. You are full of wisdom, you’re super disciplined, you’re dedicated, you have a great sense of humor, and you’re successful at everything that you do. And I am truly happy that you have found your perfect match. So, let’s all raise a glass to Jason and Ellen!

